Creating an SPMV Experiment
Read matrix files from disk, apply reordering, run various SPMV kernels by using the experiment api.
In this tutorial, you will use SparseBase to do the following:
Read multiple matrix files (sparse matrices) from different file formats.
Reorder the rows of the matrices using Reverse Cuthill-McKee (RCM) reordering and permute the matrices using the obtained order.
Create multiple kernels that carry out sparse matrix / vector (SPMV) multiplication.
Use the
api to automate the above steps.
A single experiment runs all the preprocessings on all the loaded data. Then for all the generated data, i.e. loaded data times preprocessings, the experiment suite runs user defined kernels.
Start by navigating to the directory tutorials/003_experiment/start_here/
. Open the file
using a code editor, and follow along with the tutorial. The file contains some boilerplate code that includes the appropriate headers, creates some type definitions, contains some functions for SPMV, and uses the sparsebase
The completed tutorial can be found in tutorials/003_experiment/solved/
. For this tutorial we will use the unordered edge list file examples/data/com-dblp.uedgelist
and matrix market file examples/data/ash958.mtx
1. Create an experiment::ConcreteExperiment
In order to run a Sparsebase experiment first we need to create a sparsebase::experiment::ConcreteExperiment
experiment::ConcreteExperiment exp;
Then we will add DataLoader
, Preprocess
, and Kernel
functions, run the experiment, and analyze its results.
2. Add DataLoaderFunction
to the Experiment.
Create data loaders for the two different file formats we are going to use. Also create and pass the vectors as file specific parameters. These vectors are going to be used in the calculation.
// create vector for ash958.mtx and fill it with random floats
auto v = new float[958];
fill_r(v, 958);
auto ash_v = Array<float>(958, v);
// create vector for com-dblp.uedgelist and fill it with random floats
v = new float[317080];
fill_r(v, 317080);
auto dblp_v = Array<float>(317080, v);
// Add data loader for the first file
vector<string> files = {argv[1]};
exp.AddDataLoader(experiment::LoadCSR<MTXReader, row_type, nnz_type, value_type>, {make_pair(files, ash_v)});
// add data loader for the second file
files = {argv[2]};
exp.AddDataLoader(experiment::LoadCSR<EdgeListReader, row_type, nnz_type, value_type>, {make_pair(files, dblp_v)});
Note that functions passed to AddDataLoader
member function of the experiment::Experiment
interface must follow the function definition experiment::DataLoaderFunction
In this example we are using the pre-written experiment::LoadCSR
function by passing the correct file reader for the respective files.
We also provide the file/files to be read for each data loader, and file specific parameters that are going to be used throughout the experiment as pairs.
3. Add PreprocessFunction
to the experiment.
Next, create two preprocessing functions, first use experiment::Pass
function to run your kernels on the original data. Also add experiment::Reorder
with the ordering of your choosing. In this case we add RCMReorder
// add dummy preprocessing to run kernels without reordering
exp.AddPreprocess("original", experiment::Pass, {});
RCMReorder<row_type, nnz_type, value_type>::ParamsType params = {};
exp.AddPreprocess("RCM", experiment::Reorder<RCMReorder, CSR, CPUContext, row_type, nnz_type, value_type>, params);
As the first parameter of the AddPreprocess
function we provide an identifier that is necessary to distinguish the results, auxiliary data, and runtimes generated as a result of the experiment.
The second parameter, preprocess function, must follow the function definition experiment::PreprocessFunction
. Here we use the pre-written experiment::Pass
to run kernels on the original data, and experiment::Reorder
to reorder the matrices with RCM reordering.
Last parameter of this function is the preprocessing specific parameters. Here the preprocessing algorithms we wish to use do not use any parameters.
4. Add KernelFunction
to the experiment.
After loading data and applying some preprocessing on it, now, we can add our own functions that we are actually interested in. In the file you can find two functions for SMPV; spmv
and spmv_par
. The first one is a single-threaded implementation and the second one uses omp
to parallelization.
Use the AddKernel
function of the experiment api to add these functions to the pipeline.
// add kernels that will carry out the SPMV
// init random vals large enough for all the files and pass it as a kernel specific parameter
auto vals = new float[2*1049866];
fill_r(vals, 2*1049866);
auto vals_v = Array<float>(2*1049866, vals);
exp.AddKernel("single-threaded", spmv, vals_v);
exp.AddKernel("omp-parallel", spmv_par, vals_v);
Not surprisingly, AddKernel
function takes an identifier, a kernel function that follows the function definition experiment::KernelFucntion
, and kernel specific parameters. Here as kernel specific parameters we pass dummy floats since the matrices we are using does not have any values.
5. Run the experiment.
Finally, run the experiment by calling the run function of the api.
exp.Run(NUM_RUNS, true);
First parameter of Run
take the number of times the experiment will be run. As parallel programmers we value the importance of averaging :).
If we wish to get the intermediate data generated, i.e. the permuted/reordered matrices, we can pass true
as the second parameter of Run
6. Get results, runtimes, and auxiliary data.
After successfully running all the data with all the preprocessings and all the data generated with the kernels, we get the runtimes, auxiliary data, and the results using the GetResults
, GetAuxiliary
, and GetRunTimes
// check results
cout << "Results: " << endl;
auto res = exp.GetResults();
for(auto r: res){
cout << r.first << ": ";
auto result = any_cast<float*>(r.second[0]);
for(unsigned int t = 0; t < 50; t++){
cout << result[t] << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
// get auxiliary data created during the experiment
auto auxiliary = exp.GetAuxiliary();
cout << "Auxiliary Data: " << endl;
for(const auto & a: auxiliary){
cout << a.first << endl;
cout << endl;
// display runtimes
auto secs = exp.GetRunTimes();
cout << "Runtimes: " << endl;
for(const auto & s: secs){
cout << s.first << ": ";
for(auto sr: s.second){
cout << sr << " ";
cout << endl;
7. Compile & Execute the program.
Compile the code using g++
. We assume SparseBase has already been installed in the compiled setting (as opposed to header-only installation).
While in the directory tutorials/003_experiment/start_here
, execute the following commands:
g++ -std=c++17 -lsparsebase -lgomp -fopenmp -std=c++17 -o experiment.out
./experiment.out ../../../examples/data/ash958.mtx ../../../examples/data/com-dblp.uedgelist
You should see an output similar to the following:
[11/24/22 14:29:36] [WARNING] [sparsebase::format::COO<unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int>] COO arrays must be sorted. Sorting...
[11/24/22 14:29:36] [WARNING] [sparsebase::format::CSR<unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int>] CSR column array must be sorted. Sorting...
[11/24/22 14:29:42] [WARNING] [sparsebase::format::CSR<unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int>] CSR column array must be sorted. Sorting...
-../../../examples/data/ash958.mtx,RCM,omp-parallel,0: 0.822065 0.0235149 0.626296 -0.0925408 -0.0329058 -0.26158 0.184576 -0.17292 0.527329 -0.632491 -0.371785 -0.218926 -0.24636 -0.401657 0.356059 0.556284 0.734213 0.538989 0.298418 0.380691 0.642242 -0.531986 -0.115331 -0.53883 0.268276 0.114501 -0.226813 0.44635 0.609854 0.412667 0.511964 0.489284 -0.211855 -0.660333 -0.706591 -0.195008 -0.145754 0.388777 -0.382022 -0.191022 -0.61304 0.570586 0.221566 -0.856259 -0.0557599 0.123087 -0.0439124 0.483856 -0.868368 0.0145038
-../../../examples/data/ash958.mtx,RCM,single-threaded,0: 0.822065 0.0235149 0.626296 -0.0925408 -0.0329058 -0.26158 0.184576 -0.17292 0.527329 -0.632491 -0.371785 -0.218926 -0.24636 -0.401657 0.356059 0.556284 0.734213 0.538989 0.298418 0.380691 0.642242 -0.531986 -0.115331 -0.53883 0.268276 0.114501 -0.226813 0.44635 0.609854 0.412667 0.511964 0.489284 -0.211855 -0.660333 -0.706591 -0.195008 -0.145754 0.388777 -0.382022 -0.191022 -0.61304 0.570586 0.221566 -0.856259 -0.0557599 0.123087 -0.0439124 0.483856 -0.868368 0.0145038
-../../../examples/data/ash958.mtx,original,omp-parallel,0: -0.773307 0.0264165 0.252196 0.489519 -0.105733 -0.294369 0.571206 0.695816 0.26244 -0.167607 -0.331523 -0.172566 -0.238891 0.0280457 0.315937 0.178022 0.762208 0.384923 0.0996124 0.583326 0.134168 -0.684496 -0.0302757 0.146844 0.110476 0.147265 -0.497262 -0.992332 0.470027 -0.30586 0.874546 0.128382 0.21321 -0.101168 0.759906 -0.108132 -0.148001 -0.331163 0.23896 -0.103248 0.221801 0.182518 -0.572703 0.633607 0.21792 0.220205 -0.167772 -0.103758 0.487433 -0.169161
-../../../examples/data/ash958.mtx,original,single-threaded,0: -0.773307 0.0264165 0.252196 0.489519 -0.105733 -0.294369 0.571206 0.695816 0.26244 -0.167607 -0.331523 -0.172566 -0.238891 0.0280457 0.315937 0.178022 0.762208 0.384923 0.0996124 0.583326 0.134168 -0.684496 -0.0302757 0.146844 0.110476 0.147265 -0.497262 -0.992332 0.470027 -0.30586 0.874546 0.128382 0.21321 -0.101168 0.759906 -0.108132 -0.148001 -0.331163 0.23896 -0.103248 0.221801 0.182518 -0.572703 0.633607 0.21792 0.220205 -0.167772 -0.103758 0.487433 -0.169161
-../../../examples/data/com-dblp.uedgelist,RCM,omp-parallel,0: 0.523699 0.0201702 -0.129043 -0.339734 0.00160382 0.897491 1.14721 -1.66401 -0.702446 -0.915523 -0.577063 -0.459128 0.392694 0.0368445 -0.0352359 0.620369 -0.88126 0.551372 -0.147413 -0.0913807 0.933404 -0.0427016 -0.764132 -0.0581159 0.182207 0.35385 0.00877577 0.237135 0.533137 0.0410516 -0.540313 1.14785 -0.633249 0.529273 -0.0955376 0.789746 0.353336 0.0572413 -0.257666 0.361567 0.13089 0.282823 -0.370485 -0.748098 0.503802 -0.505965 0.419774 0.182175 0.204978 0.152497
-../../../examples/data/com-dblp.uedgelist,RCM,single-threaded,0: 0.523699 0.0201702 -0.129043 -0.339734 0.00160382 0.897491 1.14721 -1.66401 -0.702446 -0.915523 -0.577063 -0.459128 0.392694 0.0368445 -0.0352359 0.620369 -0.88126 0.551372 -0.147413 -0.0913807 0.933404 -0.0427016 -0.764132 -0.0581159 0.182207 0.35385 0.00877577 0.237135 0.533137 0.0410516 -0.540313 1.14785 -0.633249 0.529273 -0.0955376 0.789746 0.353336 0.0572413 -0.257666 0.361567 0.13089 0.282823 -0.370485 -0.748098 0.503802 -0.505965 0.419774 0.182175 0.204978 0.152497
-../../../examples/data/com-dblp.uedgelist,original,omp-parallel,0: 1.20506 2.95578 -1.01716 -0.766262 -0.267771 0.06677 1.55544 0.220332 -0.571644 -0.168241 0.113864 -0.361985 -0.0664757 -0.126499 0.316209 0.801863 -0.464519 -0.653387 -0.0847772 -0.946206 0.796946 -0.168874 -0.617958 0.833564 -0.237255 0.130632 0.103078 0.238537 0.461887 0.130257 -0.183248 0.800289 0.310773 -0.693214 -1.27944 -0.0579325 0.851679 -0.354578 2.59094 0.128936 -0.000659117 -0.141935 0.365061 1.12694 0.282495 -0.0483253 -0.22286 1.98556 -1.08325 -0.0935952
-../../../examples/data/com-dblp.uedgelist,original,single-threaded,0: 1.20506 2.95578 -1.01716 -0.766262 -0.267771 0.06677 1.55544 0.220332 -0.571644 -0.168241 0.113864 -0.361985 -0.0664757 -0.126499 0.316209 0.801863 -0.464519 -0.653387 -0.0847772 -0.946206 0.796946 -0.168874 -0.617958 0.833564 -0.237255 0.130632 0.103078 0.238537 0.461887 0.130257 -0.183248 0.800289 0.310773 -0.693214 -1.27944 -0.0579325 0.851679 -0.354578 2.59094 0.128936 -0.000659117 -0.141935 0.365061 1.12694 0.282495 -0.0483253 -0.22286 1.98556 -1.08325 -0.0935952
Auxiliary Data:
-../../../examples/data/ash958.mtx,RCM,omp-parallel,0: 0.00653002
-../../../examples/data/ash958.mtx,RCM,single-threaded,0: 0.00593936
-../../../examples/data/ash958.mtx,original,omp-parallel,0: 0.00605211
-../../../examples/data/ash958.mtx,original,single-threaded,0: 0.00647483
-../../../examples/data/com-dblp.uedgelist,RCM,omp-parallel,0: 0.0185962
-../../../examples/data/com-dblp.uedgelist,RCM,single-threaded,0: 0.0150828
-../../../examples/data/com-dblp.uedgelist,original,omp-parallel,0: 0.0171727
-../../../examples/data/com-dblp.uedgelist,original,single-threaded,0: 0.0170771
Check out the examples/example_experiment
folder for an extended version, that uses GPUs, of the experiment we just created, ran and analyzed.