Reordering a graph


Read a graph from a file and reorder it.


In this tutorial, you will use SparseBase to do the following:

  1. Read a graph from an unordered edge list file.

  2. Reorder the vertices of the graph according to their degree.

  3. Permute the graph according to the generated ordering.

  4. Compile the program and execute it.


Start by navigating to the directory tutorials/001_reordering/start_here/. Open the file using a code editor and follow along with the tutorial. The file contains some boilerplate code that includes the appropriate headers, creates some type definitions, and uses the sparsebase namespace.

The completed tutorial can be found in tutorials/001_reordering/solved/ We will use the unordered edge list file tutorials/001_reordering/chesapeake.edgelist.


1. Read the graph from disk

Begin your main program by reading the undirected edge list file into a CSR object using the ReadEdgeListToCSR function in IOBase.

    // The name of the edge list file in disk
    std::string filename(argv[1]);
    // Read the edge list file into a CSR object
    CSR<id_type, nnz_type, value_type>* csr = IOBase::ReadEdgeListToCSR<id_type, nnz_type, value_type>(filename);

The three templated type parameters of the CSR and ReadEdgeListToCSR objects determine the data types that will store the IDs, the number of non-zeros, and the values of the weights of the graph, respectively. These types are defined at the beginning of the file. Notice that, since the graph we read is unweighted, there will be no values in the CSR format object, only connectivity information. That is why we set value_type to void, though we could have set it to other types.

You will find that these three template types are used by most classes of the library.

To get a feel for the graph you just read, print some of its statistics:

std::cout << "Original graph:" << std::endl; 
// get an array representing the dimensions of the matrix represented by `csr`, 
// i.e, the adjacency matrix of the graph
std::cout << "Number of vertices: " << csr->get_dimensions()[0] << std::endl;
// Number of non-zeros in the matrix represented by `csr`
std::cout << "Number of edges: " << csr->get_num_nnz() << std::endl;

// row_ptr contains the starting indices of the adjacency lists of the vertices in `csr`
auto row_ptr = csr->get_row_ptr();
std::cout << "Degree of vertex 0: " << row_ptr[1]-row_ptr[0] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Degree of vertex 1: " << row_ptr[2]-row_ptr[1] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Degree of vertex 2: " << row_ptr[3]-row_ptr[2] << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;

2. Reorder the graph

Next, create a degree reordering of the graph:

// Create a CPU context
context::CPUContext cpu_context;
// We would like to order the vertices by degrees in descending order
bool ascending = false;
DegreeReorderParams params(ascending);
// Create a permutation array of `csr` using one of the passed contexts 
// (in this case, only one is passed)
// The last argument tells the function to convert the input format if needed
id_type* new_order = ReorderBase::Reorder<DegreeReorder>(params, csr, {&cpu_context}, true);

When calling the Reorder function, we pass the reordering class we want to use as a template parameter, in this case, that would be DegreeReorder. We also pass a struct containing the hyperparameters of this specific reordering as the first argument of the function.

The array new_order is an array containing the inverse permutation of all the vertices of csr. In other words, new_order[i] = j indicates that the vertex i in csr is at location j after reordering.

3. Use the reordering to restructure the graph

Finally, use the permutation array new_order to restructure the graph and apply the new order to it.

// Permute2D permutes the rows and columns of `csr` according to `new_order`
// Similar to `Reorder`, we specify the contexts to use, 
// and whether the library can convert the input if needed
FormatOrderTwo<id_type, nnz_type, value_type>* new_format = 
        ReorderBase::Permute2D(new_order, csr, {&cpu_context}, true);
// Cast the polymorphic pointer to a pointer at CSR
CSR<id_type, nnz_type, value_type>* new_csr = new_format->As<CSR>();

The Permute2D() call returns a CSR object, but it returns it as a polymorphic pointer to the superclass FormatOrderTwo which is the parent of CSR and other order-2 formats. The As function will safely cast that pointer to the correct type.

Let’s print some statistics about the reordered graph.

std::cout << "Reordered graph:" << std::endl; 
std::cout << "Number of vertices: " << new_csr->get_dimensions()[0] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Number of edges: " << new_csr->get_num_nnz() << std::endl;

auto new_row_ptr = new_csr->get_row_ptr();
std::cout << "Degree of vertex 0: " << new_row_ptr[1]-new_row_ptr[0] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Degree of vertex 1: " << new_row_ptr[2]-new_row_ptr[1] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Degree of vertex 2: " << new_row_ptr[3]-new_row_ptr[2] << std::endl;

4. Compile the program and execute it

Compile the code using g++. We assume SparseBase has been compiled without CUDA support and without any optional libraries. Also, we assume it has already been installed in the compiled setting (as opposed to header-only installation).

While in the directory tutorials/001_reordering/start_here, execute the following commands:

g++ -std=c++17 -lsparsebase -fopenmp -lgomp -std=c++17 -o reorder.out
./reorder.out ../chesapeake.edgelist

You should see the following output:

Original graph:
Number of vertices: 40
Number of edges: 340
Degree of vertex 0: 0
Degree of vertex 1: 11
Degree of vertex 2: 11

[11/24/22 14:18:45] [WARNING] [sparsebase::format::CSR<unsigned int, unsigned int, void>] CSR column array must be sorted. Sorting...
Reordered graph:
Number of vertices: 40
Number of edges: 340
Degree of vertex 0: 33
Degree of vertex 1: 29
Degree of vertex 2: 18