Feature Extraction from a Matrix Market File


Read a matrix-market file and extract features from the data.


In this tutorial, you will use SparseBase to do the following:

  1. Read a matrix-market file.

  2. Create a FeatureExtractor and add features to extract, for this tutorial we use Degrees and DegreeDistribution.

  3. Extract features and collect the results.


Start by navigating to the directory tutorials/002_feature_extraction/start_here/. Open the file tutorial_002.cc using a code editor and follow along with the tutorial. The file contains some boilerplate code that includes the appropriate headers, creates some type definitions, and uses the sparsebase and format namespace. In addition to renaming primitive types, we also define aliases for the following feature classes to improve the readability of our code.

using degrees = feature::Degrees<vertex_type, edge_type, value_type>;
using degree_dist = feature::DegreeDistribution<vertex_type, edge_type,
    value_type, feature_type>;

The completed tutorial can be found in tutorials/002_feature_extraction/solved/solved.cc.

For this tutorial, we will use the matrix-market file examples/data/ash958.mtx.


1. Read the graph from disk

Begin your main program by reading the matrix-market file into a COO object using IOBase.

// The name of the matrix-market file
string file_name = argv[1];

// Read the matrix in to a COO representation
COO<vertex_type, edge_type, value_type> *coo = IOBase::ReadMTXToCOO<vertex_type, edge_type, value_type>(file_name);

The three templated type parameters of the COO object and IOBase::ReadMTXToCOO function determine the data types that will store the IDs, the number of non-zeros, and the values of the weights of the format, respectively.

You will find that these three template types are used by most classes of the library.

2. Init the Extractor and define the features to be extracted

Next, intialize the extractor and add features to be extracted (note that the class/features must extend the ExtractableType interface):

// Create an extractor with the correct types of your COO (data) and your expected feature type
sparsebase::feature::Extractor engine =
    sparsebase::feature::FeatureExtractor<vertex_type, edge_type,
        value_type, feature_type>();

//add all the feature you want to extract to the extractor

Add function first checks if the passed feature is actually a class that calculates more than one feature. The get_sub_ids() function returns the list of features that the current class computes as Extractable types. Then it adds these classes if they are not already added to the FeatureExtractor.

Print out the added features.

// print features to be extracted
auto fs = engine.GetList();
cout << endl << "Features that will be extracted: " << endl;
for (auto f : fs) {
  cout << utils::demangle(f.name()) << endl;
cout << endl;

3. Extract Features from the Format

Define a context that selects the architecture in which the computations will occur. Then use the Extract function of the FeatureExtractor to get the features as a map. The map is of type std::unordered_map<std::type, std::any>. The features are accessed by calling the respective ::get_id_static() member function and using the result as a key. Last parameter to the Extract function states whether the extractor is allowed to convert input data if necessary. If not allowed and a repective function can not be found for the given format and feature, sparsebase will throw an exception.

// Create a context, CPUcontext for this case.
// The contexts defines the architecture that the computation will take place in.
context::CPUContext cpu_context;
// extract features
auto raws = engine.Extract(coo, {&cpu_context}, true);

The extract function, if possible, merges the computation for the features by finding a class that provides the merged version of the calculations. For this tutorial we will add Degrees and DegreeDistribution classes separately and observe that the Degrees_DegreeDistribution class will be used by the extractor.

After the extraction, cast the features to their raw/original type by first using the std::type of the feature to access it from the map. Then cast it to the correct primitive type by using std::any_cast. Note that all the computations takes place using c arrays of the respective primitive type, thanks to the highly templated design of the library.

cout << "#features extracted: " << raws.size() << endl;
auto dgrs =
    std::any_cast<vertex_type *>(raws[degrees::get_id_static()]);
auto dst = std::any_cast<feature_type *>(
cout << "vertex 0 => degree: " << dgrs[0] << endl;
cout << "dst[0] " << dst[0] << endl;

4. Compile the program and execute it

Compile the code using g++. We assume SparseBase has already been installed in the compiled setting (as opposed to header-only installation).

While in the directory tutorials/002_feature_extraction/start_here, execute the following commands:

g++ -std=c++17 tutorial_002.cc -lsparsebase -fopenmp -std=c++17 -o feature.out
./feature.out ../../../examples/data/ash958.mtx

You should see something similar to the following output:

[11/08/22 14:53:51] [WARNING] [sparsebase::format::COO<unsigned int, unsigned int, float>] COO arrays must be sorted. Sorting...

Features that will be extracted:
sparsebase::preprocess::DegreeDistribution<unsigned int, unsigned int, float, double>
sparsebase::preprocess::Degrees<unsigned int, unsigned int, float>

getting converter 0x60000096c018
#features extracted: 2
vertex 0 => degree: 2
dst[0] 0.00104384