Template Class Degrees

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

template<typename IDType, typename NNZType, typename ValueType>
class sparsebase::feature::Degrees : public sparsebase::feature::FeaturePreprocessType<IDType*>

Count the degrees of every vertex in the graph representation of a format object

Public Types

typedef utils::Parameters ParamsType

An empty struct used for the parameters of Degrees.

Public Functions

Degrees(const Degrees<IDType, NNZType, ValueType> &d)
std::unordered_map<std::type_index, std::any> Extract(format::Format *format, std::vector<context::Context*>, bool convert_input) override
std::vector<std::type_index> get_sub_ids() override
std::vector<utils::Extractable*> get_subs() override
IDType *GetDegrees(format::Format *format, std::vector<context::Context*> contexts, bool convert_input)

Degree generation executor function that carries out function matching.

  • format – a single format pointer to any format

  • contexts – vector of contexts that can be used for extracting features.

  • convert_input – whether or not to convert the input format if that is needed.


an array of size format.get_dimensions()[0] where element i is the degree of the ith vertex in format

std::tuple<std::vector<std::vector<format::Format*>>, IDType*> GetDegreesCached(format::Format *format, std::vector<context::Context*> contexts, bool convert_input)

Degree generation executor function that carries out function matching with cached output

  • format – a single format pointer to any format

  • contexts – vector of contexts that can be used for extracting features.

  • convert_input – whether or not to convert the input format if that is needed.


an array of size format.get_dimensions()[0] where element i is the degree of the ith vertex in format


Public Static Functions

static std::type_index get_id_static()
static IDType *GetDegreesCSR(std::vector<format::Format*> formats, utils::Parameters *params)

Degree generation implementation function for CSRs.

  • formats – A vector containing a single format pointer that should point at a CSR object

  • params – a Parameters pointer, though it is not used in the function


an array of size formats[0].get_dimensions()[0] where element i is the degree of the ith vertex in formats[0]

Protected Functions

void Register()