Class Extractable

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Type

Class Documentation

class sparsebase::utils::Extractable

Abstract class that can be utilized with fusued feature extraction.

Classes implementing Extractable can be used with with a sparsebase::feature::Extractor for fused feature extraction. Each Extractable object can be a fusion of multiple Extractable classes. An Extractable object will contain parameters for each of the Extractable it is fusud into as well as one for itself.

Subclassed by sparsebase::utils::FunctionMatcherMixin< FeatureType, utils::Extractable >

Public Functions

virtual std::unordered_map<std::type_index, std::any> Extract(format::Format *format, std::vector<context::Context*> contexts, bool convert_input) = 0

Extract features from the passed Format through passed Contexts.

  • format – object from which features are extracted.

  • contexts – vector of contexts that can be used for extracting features.


An uordered map containing the extracted features as key-value pairs with the key being the std::type_index of the feature and the value an std::any to that feature.

virtual std::type_index get_id() = 0

Returns the std::type_index of this class.

virtual std::vector<std::type_index> get_sub_ids() = 0

Get the std::type_index of all the Extractable classes fused into this class


a vector containing the std::type_index values of all the Extractable classes fusued into this class

virtual std::vector<Extractable*> get_subs() = 0

Get instances of the Extractable classes that make up this class.


A vector of pointers to Extractable objects, each of which corresponds to one of the features that this class is extracting, and the classes will have their respective parameters passed over to them.

virtual std::shared_ptr<utils::Parameters> get_params() = 0

Get a std::shared_ptr at the Parameters of this object.


An std::shared_ptr at the same Parameters instance of this object (not a copy)

virtual std::shared_ptr<utils::Parameters> get_params(std::type_index feature_extractor) = 0

Get an std::shared_ptr at a Parameters of one of the Extractable classes fused into this class

Returns a std::shared_ptr at a Parameters object belonging to one of the Extractable classes fused into this class


feature_extractor – std::type_index identifying the Extractable within this class whose parameters are requested


an std::shared_ptr at the Parameters corresponding feature_extractor

virtual void set_params(std::type_index feature_extractor, std::shared_ptr<utils::Parameters> params) = 0

Set the parameters of one of Extractable classes fusued into this classes.

  • feature_extractor – std::type_index identifying the Extractable class fusued into this class whose parameters are to be set.

  • params – an std::shared_ptr at the Parameters belonging to the class feature_extractor

virtual ~Extractable() = default

Protected Attributes

std::shared_ptr<utils::Parameters> params_

a pointer at the Parameters of this class

std::unordered_map<std::type_index, std::shared_ptr<utils::Parameters>> pmap_

A key-value map of Parameters, one for each of the Extractable classes fused into this class