Tutorial 4.1: How to Add CPU Matrix Kernel

SparseViz allows 2 types of matrix kernels to be added to the library externally, CPU and GPU kernels. All CPU kernels can be written in parallel using OpenMP. All GPU kernels, on the other hand, can be written in parallel using Cuda. In this tutorial, we will analyze CPU matrix kernels, especially how they can be added to the SparseViz library.

All matrix kernels should be derived from the abstract class named MatrixKernelFunction in the SparseViz library. This abstract class provides various functionalities to ease the implementation of derived classes aiming to provide kernels for sparse matrices. MatrixKernelFunction dictates all its child classes to override 3 public pure virtual functions to complete their implementation. These methods are:

virtual bool init(const SparseMatrix& A);

This method could be thought of as a constructor for the child class. It is guaranteed that this method will be called before the execution of every matrix kernel. The only difference it has with a traditional constructor is that it is a boolean-returning function. In case there are some circumstances in which user-defined matrix kernels are not desired to be executed on some type of sparse matrices, it can easily be programmed within that init method with a return value of "false" that would eliminate the run of subsequent methods of the class, ultimately leading to the termination of the execution of the kernel. One way to use this functionality is if a user-defined kernel should be executed on sparse matrices that are pattern symmetric, this check could be done in the init function definition like so:

bool SequentialBFS::init(const SparseMatrix &A)


    if (!A.isPatternSymmetric())


        return false;



This will guarantee that the kernel will never be executed on a matrix without having pattern symmetry.

virtual void preprocess(const SparseMatrix& A);

Matrix kernels could be executed from within the config file with a specification of the number of iterations to be given as an argument. This iteration number could be from 1 to many, depending on the user's preference. This iteration and the for loop that enables it are controlled by the base class MatrixKernelFunction. The preprocess method comes into play at the very first method to be called upon at the start of the iteration. In the implementation of this method, we give opportunity to users to preprocess any data or data structures, be it their initialization or their population, to be used during the current iteration of the for loop. It is guaranteed that this preprocess will be called as the first method in each iteration and the duration it took to complete this method will never be reflected in the overall duration kernel has taken to be executed. Because users cannot control the flow of the matrix kernel execution and thus cannot pass any additional parameters to the functionBody method - actual kernel function -, the only way it can use the variables initialized in it is by declaring them as member variables of the class to be used them in the actual kernel function.

virtual void functionBody(const SparseMatrix& A, int iterNumber);

As a last step user-defined child classes should complete their implementation by providing the last pure virtual function a definition that will carry out the actual logic of the matrix kernel. Within that method, it is expected the users write the logic of the matrix kernel that is executed on every ordered matrix indicated in the config file - except ones that failed to proceed to this function because the init method of the kernel returned false for them -. This function accepts an additional integer parameter named iterNumber, which indicates the number of consecutive times the functionBody has been called.

One important remark we need to make for our matrix kernel structure in SparseViz is that during the execution of a kernel, all other threads working for SparseViz process are temporarily stopped to be able to provide all computational resources to the actual kernel execution and to make experiments as realistic as possible.

Having learned each method we need to override in user-defined kernels we can complete the declaration and the implementation of our kernel named AddingCPUMatrixKernel under the directories SparseViz/include/Kernel/Matrix/CPU and SparseViz/src/Kernel/Matrix/CPU, respectively.


#include "MatrixKernelFunction.h"

class AddingCPUMatrixKernel: public MatrixKernelFunction



    AddingCPUMatrixKernel(const std::string& kernelName, const std::vector<int>& threadCounts, const std::string& schedulingPolicy, int chunkSize, int nRun, int nIgnore)
    :   MatrixKernelFunction(kernelName, threadCounts, schedulingPolicy, chunkSize, nRun, nIgnore) {}

    virtual ~AddingCPUMatrixKernel() override;

    virtual bool init(const SparseMatrix& A) override;

    virtual void preprocess(const SparseMatrix& A) override;

    virtual void functionBody(const SparseMatrix& A, int iterNumber);


One extension we made for the class declaration on top of the 3 methods that MatrixKernelFunction dictates its child class to override is the virtual destructor. If anywhere during the init or in the preprocess method you allocated memory on the heap or you made a process requiring a cleanup (like opening a file or making a database connection), then in the virtual destructor, it is also your responsibility to clean all them up. Also, in the constructor that has an empty implementation, we did not forget to initialize the parent class with the parameters provided to the child class constructor. To remember what these parameters refer to, you can do so by looking at tutorial 1, how to use the config file.


#include "AddingCPUMatrixKernel.h"

bool AddingCPUMatrixKernel::init(const SparseMatrix &A)


    if (!A.isPatternSymmetric())


        std::cout << "AddingCPUMatrixKernel is terminating: matrix needs to be pattern symmetric" << std::endl;

        return false;


    // Your initialization code goes here.

    return true;




    // Your destructor code goes here.


void AddingCPUMatrixKernel::preprocess(const SparseMatrix& A)


    // Your preprocess code goes here.


void AddingCPUMatrixKernel::functionBody(const SparseMatrix& A, int iterNumber)


    // Your function body code goes here.


The remaining steps to integrate the matrix kernel into SparseViz closely mirror those for adding matrix ordering. Initially, we must incorporate our class declaration and implementation into the CMakeLists.txt. Following this, we will introduce our matrix kernel definition into the SparseVizEngine, enabling the library to recognize and utilize this new kernel.











#include "AddingCPUMatrixKernel.h"


MatrixKernelFunction *SparseVizEngine::matrixKernelFactory(const std::string &kernelName, const std::vector<int>& threadCounts, const std::string &schedulingPolicy, int chunkSize, int nRun, int nIgnore)



    else if (kernelName == "AddingCPUMatrixKernel")


        return new AddingCPUMatrixKernel(kernelName, threadCounts, schedulingPolicy, chunkSize, nRun, nIgnore);


    return nullptr;


Having made all of these steps, we can safely run our library with an absolute path pointing to our config file in which we indicated our new matrix kernel named AddingCPUMatrixKernel under the section *MATRIX_KERNELS* to make it get executed on each ordered matrices, like so:



AddingCPUMatrixKernel | WeHaveAddedACPUMatrixKernel | 1/2/4/6/8/16 | dynamic | 256 | 10 | 2

This concludes tutorial 4.1, the way to add CPU matrix kernels into the library. In tutorial 4.2, its GPU counterpart will be explained.