Available components


The following are the formats currently provided by the library classified based on the order.


Single dimensional formats.

  • Array

  • CUDAArray (requires compilation with CMake optionUSE_CUDA=ON)


Two-dimensional formats.

  • CSR

  • COO

  • CSC

  • CUDACSR (requires compilation with CMake optionUSE_CUDA=ON)


Below are the functionalities available in SparseBase. After each functionality, the formats for which that functionality is implemented are shown.

Reordering algorithms

  • RCMReorder

    • CSR

  • GrayReorder

    • CSR

  • DegreeReorder

    • CSR

  • MetisReorder (requires compilation with CMake optionUSE_METIS=ON)

    • CSR

  • RabbitReorder (requires compilation with CMake optionUSE_RABBIT_REORDER=ON)

    • CSR

  • AMDReorder (requires compilation with CMake optionUSE_AMD_REORDER=ON)

    • CSR

Partitioning algorithms

  • MetisPartiton (requires compilation with CMake optionUSE_METIS=ON)

    • CSR

  • PulpPartition (requires compilation with CMake optionUSE_PULP=ON)

    • CSR

  • PatohPartition (requires compilation with CMake optionUSE_PATOH=ON)

    • CSR


  • PermuteOrderOne

    • CSR

  • PermuteOrderTwo

    • CSR

Analytics and visualization

  • ReorderHeatmap

    • CSR and Array

Feature extraction

  • Degrees

    • CSR

  • DegreeDistribution

    • CSR

  • Degrees_DegreeDistribution

    • CSR

  • JaccardWeights

    • CUDACSR (requires compilation with CUDA)