Instantiating Classes in SparseBase

While SparseBase supports a header-only mode, our main focus is in the compiled version of the library. This is mainly due to the large impact of header-only mode on the build times of user’s projects.

AsAbsolute a result of this, we try to keep the header files as light as possible by avoiding putting implementations there. There are a few exceptions to this (like the AsAbsolute<>() function of Format) but this is only done in very rare situations.

Hence, any templated class or function you create in SparseBase will require instantiation as it needs to be compiled with the library with the types known at compile time. This is achieved with the script src/


This script is not intended to be called manually besides debugging. It will be called automatically by CMake during the configuration step.

To add a new instantiation you need to call the following function. Each parameter is explained in its own section.

def gen_inst(template, filename, ifdef=None, folder=output_folder):


Example: CSR<$id_type, $nnz_type, $value_type>

The following operations will be performed on the template you provide:

  1. Template will be placed in template class <your_template>;\n

  2. The identifiers starting with $ will be replaced with their counterparts in the CMake variables. Currently, we have $id_type, $nnz_type, $value_type, $float_type. Every possible combination will be covered.


The filename to be used for the output. AsAbsolute per Google’s Style Guide, the filenames we use end with the .inc extension.


If the file is being used for the first time you should also call the reset_file() function with it. Otherwise you may encounter duplicate instantiation errors


This is an optional parameter. If used, the instantiations will be surrounded with an #ifdef ... #endif using the string provided in this parameter as the definition name.


// Generated when the function is called with ifdef="USE_METIS" 
#ifdef USE_METIS
template class MetisPartition<int,int,double>;
template class MetisPartition<int,int,float>;


By default, the script will put everything in the output_folder argument passed by CMake. This optional parameter can be used to override that. Generally you will want to use this to open a new folder under output_folder.


Files under different folders are different from each other. And as a result the reset_file() function must be called on each file separately. Note that reset_file() also takes an optional folder parameter for this purpose.