Template Class ReorderHeatmap

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

template<typename IDType, typename NNZType, typename ValueType, typename FloatType>
class sparsebase::reorder::ReorderHeatmap : public sparsebase::utils::FunctionMatcherMixin<format::FormatOrderOne<FloatType>*>

Calculates density of non-zeros of a 2D format on a num_parts * num_parts grid

Splits the input 2D matrix into a grid of size num_parts * num_parts containing an equal number of rows and columns, and calculates the density of non-zeros in each cell in the grid relative to the total number of non-zeros in the matrix, given that the matrix was reordered according to a permutation matrix. Returns the densities as a dense array (FormatOrderOne) of size num_parts * num_parts where the density at cell [i][j] in the 2D grid is located at index [i*num_parts+j] in the grid. The density values sum up to 1.

tparam FloatType

type used to represent the densities of non-zeros.

Public Functions

ReorderHeatmap(ReorderHeatmapParams params)
format::FormatOrderOne<FloatType> *Get(format::FormatOrderTwo<IDType, NNZType, ValueType> *format, format::FormatOrderOne<IDType> *permutation_r, format::FormatOrderOne<IDType> *permutation_c, std::vector<context::Context*> contexts, bool convert_input)

Protected Static Functions

static format::FormatOrderOne<FloatType> *ReorderHeatmapCSRArrayArray(std::vector<format::Format*> formats, utils::Parameters *poly_params)