Template Class PermuteOrderTwo
Defined in File permute_order_two.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public sparsebase::permute::Permuter< format::FormatOrderTwo< IDType, NNZType, ValueType >, format::FormatOrderTwo< IDType, NNZType, ValueType > >
(Template Class Permuter)
Class Documentation
template<typename IDType, typename NNZType, typename ValueType>
class sparsebase::permute::PermuteOrderTwo : public sparsebase::permute::Permuter<format::FormatOrderTwo<IDType, NNZType, ValueType>, format::FormatOrderTwo<IDType, NNZType, ValueType>> Public Types
typedef PermuteOrderTwoParams<IDType> ParamsType
Struct used to store permutation vectors used by each instance of PermuteOrderTwo
Public Functions
explicit PermuteOrderTwo(PermuteOrderTwoParams<IDType>)
Protected Static Functions
static format::FormatOrderTwo<IDType, NNZType, ValueType> *PermuteOrderTwoCSR(std::vector<format::Format*> formats, utils::Parameters*)
An implementation function that will transform a CSR format into another CSR
- Parameters
formats – a vector containing a single Format object of type CSR
params – a polymorphic pointer at a
- Returns
a transformed Format object of type CSR
typedef PermuteOrderTwoParams<IDType> ParamsType