Template Class JaccardWeights

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

template<typename IDType, typename NNZType, typename ValueType, typename FeatureType>
class sparsebase::feature::JaccardWeights : public sparsebase::utils::FunctionMatcherMixin<format::Format*>

Calculate the Jaccard Weights of the edges in a graph representation of a format object

Public Types

typedef JaccardWeightsParams ParamsType

An empty struct used for the parameters of JaccardWeights.

Public Functions

format::Format *GetJaccardWeights(format::Format *format, std::vector<context::Context*>, bool convert_input)

Take a single Format object representating a graph and get the Jaccard Weights as a 1D format object

  • format – input format object representing a graph

  • convert_input – whether or not to convert the input format if that is needed.


a 1D format (array) where element i in the array is the Jaccard Weight of edge i in the graph (ith non-zero)


Public Static Functions

static format::Format *GetJaccardWeightCUDACSR(std::vector<format::Format*> formats, utils::Parameters *params)

Take a CUDACSR representating a graph and get the Jaccard Weights as a CUDAArray

  • formats – a vector of size 1 with formats[0] being CUDACSR representing a graph

  • params – a polymorphic pointer at a Parameters (not used)


a 1D array (CUDAArray) where element i in the array is the Jaccard Weight of edge i in the graph (ith non-zero)